Saturday, October 10

The Promised Update!! (Sorry for the delay)

So life has been full of the most amazing joys I have ever had the privilege of experiencing the last couple of months. As of tomorrow, I will be 11 weeks along in my pregnancy! How fast it goes!! In as little as 9 more weeks, I will be exactly half way through my pregnancy, and will have the joy of finding out the sex of our baby! This will be a first glimpse into the person that God has planned in this little being long ago. (I just love Psalm 139!)

With this journey has come many emotions. I have cried at silly songs on the radio, and when frustrated when trying to get my puppy's nails clipped quickly and safely. I have felt stress and anger when trying to cut back in my schedule to ensure that I receive plenty enough rest and sleep. But most of all, I have felt so very much excitement and joy!!

Yesterday Gregg and I went to our 10 week doctor's appointment. There, we were able to meet the doctor that will with us every step of the way until the actual delivery of our baby boy or girl. We were also given the opportunity to hear the heartbeat of the living miracle inside of my womb, as tiny as it might be right now. What a strong beat it was at 181 beats per minute!! It was a quick minute, but a forever memory.

I am so glad that I get to share this time with my husband! Gregg has been so loving and caring towards me and my sometimes silly desires and needs. He has been making sure that I am eating healthy, and frequently, and is putting up with my countless naps and my early bedtime every night. He's also stepped up and has taken over much of my share of the responsibilities with Ruthie, letting her out to potty more often, and staying up and playing with her every night until she's settled down for bed.

Overall, it has been an amazing time so far! I have been lucky enough not to have experienced much "morning" sickness at all. Although, I do feel a bit nauseous with an empty stomach! I still have so much to read, learn, and prepare before my nine months are up, but I am enjoying each and every second of this time God has given me. What joy!!