Saturday, August 1

Summer Vacation

As I write, I am on the tail-end of my summer vacation with Gregg. What a time it has been!! First, we drive about 5.5 hours to Wisconsin for a Coldplay concert that was absolutely phenomenal! What a great Valentine's Day present (thanks love)! We then left the next morning for Chicago and enjoyed our stay there for 3 nights. While there, we enjoyed a beautiful hotel, wonderful city sites, the vast Michigan Lake, the captivating Blue Man Group (great show!), stunning heights (Sear's Tower/Willis Tower and John Hancock Building), and so much more! Lastly, we moved on to visit family and friends in California and witnessed Kaylyn and Danny's wedding last night as the main attraction. What a remarkable couple!! They were glowing the entire night. I am so very excited for them!!

So, that's our week in a nutshell. I am anxious to get home to Minnesota. I miss the clean, crisp air, friends, our church family, and most of all, my little Ruthie!!

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